
#7 I miss those days, back then the lindens didn’t care at all unless you were crashing sims. Now people are softer and quicker to report and SL is more bann happy
17 – Dude, it’s 50L
Just don’t spend if you think the item is a piece of shit. I don’t shop as much anymore for this reason. Get pissed off when you buy a four-digit piece of furniture and find out the animations are the same recycled and outdated animations from 10 years ago and longer still being used. Direct your anger towards those vendors.
just a general question..is anyone else taking the torch after this closes? is there anyplace else that will do the secrets?
There are other spots, but they don’t really carry the same nature as this one does.
Either this place is going to be marked read-only permanently or just outright shut down.
I don’t think there’d be anyone willing to take up this mantle without asserting some sort of their own bias to inflict onto anything between content and visitor. The rules here are reasonably strict, too hard to follow for shallow minded people.
If anyone else took up the task, it’d just turn into everything the admin has been shooting down from arising. People doxxing eachother. People revealing detailed information as to where they are and everything more on SL than we’ve seen uploaded here.
It’d be a complete 4chan level shitshow and the worse part is that nobody will know much about what’s uploaded by whom.
And thinking about all of that, almost is making me lean towards just shutting it down if it won’t be read-only.
#9 It’s funny someone thought I’d be upset about the pic about me, I actually like it. It would be better if the uploader scaled it properly so it wouldn’t be distorted, but oh well. Still pretty enough. 🙂
12. Those are two completely different meshes??? The bottoms are a very common lingerie style but the mesh itself doesnt look the same and the tops are totally different. I recently returned to SL so I am out of the loop of designer drama but I dont understand the hate towards this store. I have heard they sell their own full perm mesh for 99L which sucks, I used to create full perm myself so I know how important it is to try to keep the value of the meshes you release as full perm up so your customers are able to profit as much as possible from them. There will always be people who flip full perms on the marketplace for cheap unfortunately though. But, to do it yourself as the full perm creator? That is not acceptable imo. But, the posts about them stealing meshes, I dont understand. But, maybe I just dont know the full story and should return to my corner. lol 👀 I also have to say, there seems to be alot of hate towards creators who use full perm mesh now. This makes me very sad. SL is a place where creativity of all forms can be cultivated. Not everyone is able to make mesh but they can texture and make outfits using full perm mesh. There is nothing wrong with that and they should NOT be shamed for doing so. Now, those who use full perm mesh in events where it is required that you have original products only, yes that is not okay and those who do it will most certainly get caught. And those who flip full perm mesh on the marketplace for cheap the second a new kit is released is exhuasting imo. But, people acting like someone stole a… Read more »
55- I dunno either of the people named here, but that looks suspiciously like mainland, unless wherever you are in this picture just happens to be a very badly decorated private sim. 😐
If it was, in fact, mainland, driving is pretty popular… Perhaps he got shit on by a simcrossing because that definitely looks like being shit on by a simcrossing too. I *do* have experience with that.
Someone needs medication. You’re hate for Scandalize is remarkable. Some of those outfits aren’t even the same shit. Go drink bleach or something.
#36 – LMAO! Stop being late. Problem solved.
Apologies, my post was for 35 and not 53. Thanks
53 Wow, seriously some old stuff up on this page. Hey hey, it’s Tama. Can we keep me off of this stuff please? I seriously don’t talk to anyone hardly and have barely been active in lab for years now, so keep me out of this. Thanks in advance and have a great day
ϯαɱα Sɨℓνєŗ̶ĦαωҚ (tamasilverhawk) you are still in the clan, lieged to Queen Heavenly. Hardly here but you are online most everyday. Not involved with clan but still in the group and active in clan chat.
ღQυєєη Ήєανєռlу Łυmiηiαღ (queenheavenly) has been talking shit about you since the beginning, still does.
She was there in your ‘masters’ ear telling him how to abuse you to keep you in line.
She was there when he went behind your back to other girls too. She helped keep his ugly secrets.
You hurt yourself and everyone around you to the point your mental health fell apart while she watched and kept pushing the buttons.
Yet you still claim Queen as your mother. The Heavenlys as your family. Lots of them knew, none of them did a thing.
#35 lαylα αddεr lαṿïεllε (llpl23ttyp0150nll) sits on a throne of lies and manipulation to get what she wants. She acts sweet and innocent but is anything but. Numbers and accolades are all that matter, and regardless of who you are, once she is done, you will just be another body on the sky-high pile of discarded players. Not a Lavielle? Try to contact her and get ghosted every single time. If you are not in her clique, you don’t exist. Layla is pretty quick to contact you however, if you have information she wants, asking for chat logs/nc’s. She must have folders full of NC’s on everyone by now. Regardless of how much you donate, how many expensive achievements you pay for, if you are problematic in any way you better find yourself another clan. Assume all Lavielles are her eyes and ears, no matter where you find them. Hanna & Sandi Lavielle, everyone knows about you. Did you express an opinion that she wants to be silenced on Facebook, your profile, or anywhere else her spies have eyes on you? Enter her enforcer to do her dirty work. Queen Heavenly ღQυєєη Ήєανєռlу Łυmiηiαღ (queenheavenly) has the biggest mouth and the lowest morals on the grid. She collects people who can feed her information and do her bidding, keeping them under her control with emotional manipulation and some truly underhanded tactics. There is a reason she has so many ‘kids’; it’s like a revolving door; one finds out how she really works, and they are tossed aside for new ones. Queen uses family members’ sensitive RL information and personal details as fodder for gossip mostly for her own amusement or to discredit someone she wants to hurt. She will use your chat logs and nc’s to trade information with Layla… Read more »
I’m sorry Sere, I have done so much to you and I still have.
I re read what you have said.
I am so sorry.
I am sorry for my recent outbursts.
I deserve what I got.
I am bitter and I am using my time stupidly whilst on chemo.
I thought it would be funny and not taken seriously.
I am sorry and I miss you Sere.
I know you won’t forgive me.
I’ll leave you be now.
Steff, you were forgiven along time ago.. go do you and i’ll do me.. just go find your peace and happiness. Wither it be as steff or sparkle.. this is my last reply.. don’t waste good energy.. channel it to be better♡
Lmao sere she’s not on chemo, and neither am I what’s with your obsession? I know you think I am steffi am not xD
No one misses you dude your a weirdo
I posted above as sparkle and had to wait for approval.. Sorry again Sere.
Please remove my other account sparkle.. I am Steffii and have been using both to post and downvote mass comments.
Oh damn having a mental breakdown again sere lmao 🍿😆
what in the crackpot mental institution meth smoking bullshit is this?
Lmao that is serenityfirefly mcmahon pretending to be her “enemy” talking to herself she’s been at it for weeks now 💀
The real “steffii” whose not even logged in for years commented separately for herself aswell
40 – Please understand the difference between gender and race. Racism is hatred for someone’s skin color and ethnicity. Transphobia is based on someone’s gender and fear of it. Know the difference.. and stop calling someone who’s transphobic .. racist.. because race had nothing to do with the situation (apparently). If it did then next time be more specific. Just because that avatar takes on the appearance of a black man who doesn’t like trans-women. Doesn’t make him racist it makes him transphobic. I’m gonna need you slow-minded folks to understand the difference.
58-32- 5 it’s called an incest-fetish. A lot of SL families partake in it. Even though they aren’t related in real life. They still have an imagination that they’re fucking their siblings, cousins, parents, or even grandparents. The majority of them also engage in age play with their SL Kids. This is why I hate SL families with a passion. They are all sick in the head. Because nine times out of ten. They want to fuck their relatives in real life or want a sibling to fuck in real life. And yes all of this was told to me by friends who’ve left SL families because of those reasons.
But the sad thing is, we aren’t fucking lol it was just a photo. I bought new poses and being a friend Ocean offered to pose with me.
I love how people take facebook WAY to serious. If they only knew, Ocean and I decided SL family isn’t for us and we ended that kind of relationship.
It amazes me how people can’t separate ‘SL family’ and ‘RL family’. I mean, being queer I have ‘chosen family’ people who I consider as important as my own biological family, and I get that’s what a lot of SL families are trying to do..
..But there’s no actual relation, ‘virtual incest’ doesn’t result in deformed babies (or any real babies at all), all it is, is two people who decided to shift the way they related together, which doesn’t matter since they AREN’T ACTUALLY RELATED. Relationships shift naturally– coworker to lover, friend to partner, random stranger to fuck buddy. Change is eternal, and if there’s no actual real reason to find it disturbing, why is everyone freaking out?
I have lovers who I go to for ‘paternal advice’, but I don’t think they’re my real Dad, and Ocean is not Imogen’s ‘real dad’. Y’all need some distance from your keyboards. That grass looking good outside of your window?
It’s understandable that people can form very close relationships on Second Life. However, my time on SL is limited to a few hours a week, so I haven’t developed deep connections with other residents. I do have long-standing friendships outside of SL, which are important to me. I recognize that for some, SL can serve as a way to fulfill the need for real-life relationships they may be lacking or desiring.
Regarding the situation you mentioned, I know who posted about me, and I empathize with their struggles in Second Life. I was supportive and always willing to listen to their issues. However, I made the difficult decision to end our friendship because I felt that their behavior was causing more harm than good. It’s unfortunate that they have chosen to post about me on vs. I can identify their posts because they repeat the same things. This person seems to have multiple accounts and engages in behaviors that could be perceived as stalking. It’s a challenging situation, and I hope they find peace and resolution.
No different in the way you take FB WAY to serious and use it to create drama, post pictures you know will illicit certain responses and then pretend to be innocent. You ended your SL “family” relationship with Ocean? Is that all that ended with him lol.
IWell if you ever look me up on SL and read my profile on there and pay any attention, Océan and I been friends for many years.
I don’t know what you are trying to say, but if you knew me at all, Photos to me are just photos. I have an artist mindset, lighting, Shadows, tones and so on. Océan and I ended the family title about a week after I posted it on Facebook. I didn’t feel a need to announce the departure.
All honesty, I just loved how the photos turned out.
I find it kind of funny that they chose these photos and not the other ones on my Flickr.
“transphobia is based on someone’s gender and fear of it”. Just saying, no one is afraid of someone’s gender. lol
Those irrational hissy fits against trans folks don’t come from nowhere.
Wanna make a bet? There are tens of millions of folks who are scared shitless. Just watch the news.
Hate doesn’t always equal fear, there are 10’s of 1000s that hate and not afraid. They just believe it is wrong and gross. Reasons from religious to upbringing right/wrong to morals. It is what it is. Calling all fear is like the saying every hater is just jealous. Not everyone is jealous, they could just not like you.
I’ve not logged in SL in years via steffii, I quit that account to start fresh. I dunno what to even say about your accusations honestly. It’s unhinged. How we got talking in the first place was because at pv I spoke up about a guest making a joke about sexual assault, I told him in public chat not to joke about that because he has no idea whose been through it. With that we got chatting and I opened up about what I’ve been through regarding that kind of abuse. So for you to chuck it in my face years later just shows how untrustworthy you really are. You bring up Kiti, I’m not gonna deny we didn’t always get along but no I really didn’t “harass” her and I can’t believe you’d even have the cheek to accuse me of that when you were the one who used to tell me constantly in IMs how much she hated me in the first place and would stalk her rl accounts bringing up personal stuff from there accusing her of lying about things, you know much like you’re doing with me… and you for some reason seem to think I’m also fighting for my life too? I dunno where you’ve gotten that from but just am not terminally ill… Rest I’m just not gonna address as its a lot and doesn’t honestly make a lot of sense. We fell out for the last time because you snapped at me as per usual for not being at your ‘Beckham call’ and I got sick of you randomly lashing out at me and blocked you after telling you not to talk to me like that. With that you tried to play victim in groups of mine to get in contact with me… Read more »
Well said “steffii” lmao 💪💪💪let her have her miserable SL 🤣
I also need to mention if you look back to 2018 onwards I harassed sere on this site and accused her of faking raoe and miscarriages it is right I haven’t been on queenbswag or steffiisugabum or midnight34 or eclatsuga or xoxsteffanixox or any off the others as I stalk and harass sere and I still do.. I keep posting between phone and PC between my meds not working I still blame her despite it was ne who was in the wrong. Sorry again Sere. I am also sorry I harassed kiti as she was dieing too. It’s not letting me post as “steffii name” as above so just clearing this up. I keep lying as I need some hate especially after putting her up here for weeks despite her going through miscarriage then.. now I am despite sere just having lost her auntie weeks after her gran is admitted to hospital for fall as she’s has alzheimer’s..
All I ever did was login and force sere to relive her trauma when all she was doing was be there for me I snapped when she wouldn’t. Can you blame me though she lost twins whilst at pv,
Sere never went asking about me I admit that was someone else stirring it. I have endlessly stalked and harassed her.. sl and rl and tried to illegally access her email and facebook for real life. I understand your done sere.. thank you for forgiving me.. my conscious got the better off ne after posting. I will stop trying to be victim now as I always have. Sere was the only victim here.
Lmao shut up sere
Can someone explain this to me?? Is it the claim of 100fps?? I’m so confused 😭 I have a 3060ti and can run ultra and average around 70-80fps in ultra in most places I go.. I would imagine the claim is probably valid, but I know nothing ab the computer world and am confused why this is here 💀
I have a 3090, 32 gb DDR5, i9-12900K and I get 50-60 in most places in Alchemy Beta…
3060ti is pretty low on the gaming standards, considered around minimal for many games and will not be top quality for Secondlife in anyway. I have middle ground between yours and theirs and I do run average 170 on ultra even middle events. So yes correct, it is 100% likely this person saying 200 is being truthful.
#35 So Everything about Layla is True. She won’t give you the time of day unless you snitch for her or are one of her bitches like little bitch boy Hanna who is in everyone’s business and Spies for her. Rhavyn Kitaj Alastor Braveheart spies for everyone, even in progeny. She will share your convos, make you look bad if she doesn’t like you and give you the cold bitch routine and fuck your man. She is not Poly she is just a whore with Lovense. Her Arch Zoe and BR Morrigan were morons for giving her the Title of AA in progeny. I simply can’t wait for them to find out the truth. DO NOT TRUST RHAVYN WITH ANYTHING FROM MY OWN EXPERIENCE. She recently Told myself and others that Aries Ex (I remembered her name) Tama would commit suicide if Aries ever left her. Called her and told others that she was a nutcase and needed to be committed. I am so glad I saved that. That is the farthest thing from the truth. I have known her for years. She is a fixer and loyal and a good and true Sub and Slave. She actually was in love with someone else during the time she was with Aries and kept tabs on him who Rhavyn has betrayed multiple times herself and badmouthed (slept with once as well) copied and pasted his conversations of his to the person he hates the most and she told me and she was so proud of herself that she was not good enough for this guy and was trying to not let them get together, but he wanted to fuck over the guy Tama loved, and the girl this guy was trying to get with who just broke up with Tama’s recent… Read more »
No idea who you are but you certainly do not have the facts correct, regarding me. I don’t like the smear campaign but if it’s what makes you happy, then so be it. Interesting read though I must say, considering I only spoke to two people to get advice on how to proceed. And NO I never had any romantic interaction with Aries. I thought of him as my best friend. Sadly, I was mistaken.
So, do continue with your truth because after all there are always 3 sides to the story – mine, yours, and the truth. – Buenas Noches 😀
Old stuff here. Hey it’s Tama. I don’t hardly talk to anyone and certainly haven’t been in labyrinth hardly at all. Please stop bringing me into this
You are obviously not a part of my Second Life if you think I, Acacia, left for any other reason than what I have said. I left for my daughters. They weren’t happy and wanted to be back with family. My children’s happiness comes first. So, fuck you whoever you are for spreading rumors and lies. Keep me out of your petty, bullshit drama. Thanks.
You are lieged to Queen Heavenly so still in the clan, even if you aren’t in the in world group anymore.
Care to comment on Euphoric being in everyone’s panties including yours? You rate a mention in his picks, seems he enjoys collecting queens.
I definitely agree I absolutely do NOT WANT nothing to do with you or your children. Your absent self. Always AFK Queen. I have a job just like the rest of us who work 60 to 80 hours a week in RL and have families and kids and elderly parents and what not.
You are the last person to lecture anyone on your children in SL, if I recall some of them are OLDER than you child. They are more mature than you could ever hope to be. Go back to pretend acting and your store. Being AFK and not answering most people.
MERCH has worst customer service hands down. Brought an item once, and found it’s missing a part. Contacted the owner and their CSR and never got a response. I’m still missing a piece a part that was supposed be included in the package. Fuck them. Will never buy from them again.
Kalhene, maker of Erika body. TL;DR – had a question on a past purchase and got ignored. They used to have good customer service, but went downhill in past couple of years. Treat your customers like shit and is it any wonder why the Erika body isn’t as popular as you hoped. lol
47 It’s cliques of many ages in groups that act like a immature
Frat house they use to hang out at Bratz the place dead so they go every were looking for their daddy with spoil me in profile , pat my head for so me you likes , wearing small tight tight clothes like they bought to break. They are hookers in disguise they hand out at baby girl and sex some standing by each other they see why know one will give them attention just 5cent Hoes that are only a 5 min girl friend quick lay nothing to keep. Their relationships don’t last long
I have many mental issues they’re not happy with what their real life situation is do you want someone else to take care of them. They get mad at by others have a husband or why they can’t find love why they argue about everything and blame other people but never themselves. They you’re always desperate for a fast relationship and someone to take care of them. But they can never be responsible for their own self or their own actions until they clearly look in the mirror and omit who they are then maybe they can grow up.
58 just 🛑 supporting them and following them they will vanish get bored of this folkish game.
Hahah, A very ignorant person posted this… They made me as their career and they have to hit their quota before it gets shut down
49 the real secret he gets on 20 alts he may have shitty internet but he got high vamp computer he made his own Alts to fuck with others sl got bored for him.
11 It’s a Dude that got tired of being dude so he trolls being a lizard 🦎 lot for truckers. No female acts like street Walker more then sex addict guy can’t get it up as Ed problems. The avatars slapped together all look like old plain Jane catwa head mostly skinny and clothes cheap. Look around most people wear no clothes are people mostly guys and girls in not so happy marriages they did get to be young they got knocked up to quick.
lot-lizard not lizard lot lol
They got other people working for them greedy behind the owners back just move on wish them. This what happen to many good old events that die you don’t hear about like shiny shabby and others that owner won’t have the funds to keep up. Takes people you can trust with work be more selective.
50 he looking super bowl Usher he know the look
Crow is Tristen Crow, he has a couple dozen alts and he believes he is each person. Quite cookoo for coco puffs and all that fun stuff.
forgot to tag lmao 49.
10 – RB can’t take Arella’s collar as RB. He’d lose his current vict- er, girls. He can talk them into staying as a dom (and by talk I mean abuse). Exposing himself as a, um, switch would remove a lot of the control he clings to from the formula.
Boys too, but those are kept as a secret. Many have fallen for his pretending to be curious about sex with men and it’s his “first time” with every one of them. People talk, and the truth comes out. Keep talking.
#41 If you’re going to call me out do it here instead of in a post where you can hide but that’s the hallmark of this site really. People who would never say the things they say here outloud where they might have to face consequences for their words.
I suppose I was lying in that I rounded my FPS down.
#57 That guy thinks he’s a comedian… but he’s a loser
#47. hilarious as 45 ys are pretty much gen x not give a fucks and millenials are huge babies that can’t even fuck. in rl. only strokes are the ones y’all doing to yourselves in front of the pc 😭💦
#23 rofl,, vs today becuz this very sad karaoke track tramp that is a sl hooker cam voice escort on alt avatar singing told other paying people she had or still have onlyfans sells nasty pics and other things she open and try to run own hooker club in sl on one of her alt hooker names and it fail miserable,, had to open becuz none of hooker clubs in sl would hire her after she fuck over so many over for years back stab every club she work for,, now she play all of you fool rofl as a innocint karaoke track singer who is struggling and so sad her breakup to get you feel sorry for her while still selling her voice and body etc for way more money other way,,rofl people stupid this lazy so fake also this big ego calls self fin dom mistress on sl who uses and takes men wallet take advantage of singing by telling peoples she only have this job is such a lie and i hope proofs come out now how bad this person lie no one care what you do but lie and act like you innocint and so in need of money roflmfao i say no wonder she got dump and is boohoo hooker barbie was probably getting money from them like many other rofl this cruel tramp talks about people who pay her after as if they are just scum and laughs in all faces of those who keep paying her think her shit dont stink but smells worst of all!!!!!!!!! ask her why she lie about job and money? she tells people to sing is all she does and its not such lies and another bridge burned for evee except the one person who will sit there… Read more »
What the hell is this word vomit? Do they not use punctuation in other languages? Capitals at the beginning of sentences? Paragraphs? Spaces?
No comment on the content since I have no idea what they’re saying.
Glad I’m not the only one who thinks she’s just a fuckn awful piece of shit.
47 lol we maybe be over 45.. but you young mentally ill vile subhuman creatures who cant even decide what sex you are and are shaped like a fucking gourd…. heres to you https://gyazo.com/df7f728adef67087c56fbc570669131e
#23 This is why they say one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Because the only thing that Evee has in common with trash is that I would take her out. I can only guess this is some desperately old woman with smoker’s croak hating on a young, successful woman with a beautiful voice.
7 and 22 are exactly why we need trolls.
I doubt the trolling would make the insecure folks change their ways.
But god damn at least its entertaining watching someone melt down because you stepped onto their virtual digital boat in a public sim.
#36 – have you considered completing your event exclusive on time and setting up on schedule, though?
Level opens on the 1st and today is 10 days in, which means they were minimum a week late in order to have posted this, assuming it’s regarding this month. Tbh, I would revoke access to set up if they were over a week late too. Especially if it’s habitual.
#37 readable version
Yea, you’re the asshole. Tons of stores run by this model, it’s not hard to make it work if you can rub your two brain cells together enough. Not including the ad is tedious but what is she supposed to do about it now? You want her to hold your hand each time you apply your layers?
What she should have done is used the new thumbnail picture option (free btw) so when you scroll over the color in inventory, it shows a picture. A lot of makeup creators have started doing that.
Myeah. Not only a total racist with his dear friend Versov, but he also does love to makes pedo jokes, and make fun of people. He’s been doing that for years on french sims, and I am glad he finally is getting exposed for his shit.
26, I love how we are just calling people who look under 18 “pedophiles” now. Especially when the “just smol” part is in an RP titler that is supposed to explain what your character looks like. lol
They are special Ed
They don’t seem to know better that why they in special Ed.
Anyone who has to put “just smol” in any part of their profile or titler is 100% ageplaying. It’s not that hard to look like an adult, even a short one.
“It’s not that hard to look like an adult, even a short one.” like i said, i love how we are now just calling people who don’t look like adults pedophiles now lol
not everyone wants to look like a jacked monstrosity, but you do you boo
why does a non-childlike avi automatically equal a “jacked monstrosity”?? you can have a twink avi without looking like a kid with a 2014 emo haircut. it seems like you feel personally attacked lol
either way, i’m gonna miss this in 3 weeks time lol
whats your issue with ageplay? Who cares if someone looks young. Its easy for people to mind their own business. Let people do what they wanna do. Its SL, its not that deep
I think you have ageplay on your minds 24/7 if you constantly use the term. Not a good idea to talk about it constantly.
“#15 PDR? Did you mean PBR? Go to school and learn how to write properly, then you might be able to troll a bit lol. And yes, she stated ‘PBR Viewer Capable only’. So, what’s the problem here?”
Brooke didn’t scare anyone off. Someone offered to buy Lusthouse. So she sold it. For five times what she paid for it. Pretty smart move, tbh.
Lust house many years ago was owned by a guy like many places are bought by others revamped.
Actually Lusthouse was started by Monica as most knew it. She passed in RL.
yeah, pretty smart move to save her ugly face cause no one except her ass kissers liked going there *lmfao*
I’m sorry you’re ugly and couldn’t get laid there.
Aww someone didn’t get pixel sex…
no one has sex there cause the place sucked just like her and no, I am not interested in having sex with that ugly piece of trash
Spud Tater is a little bitch boy.
35… Wow your life must be filled with so much bitter and twisted shit to sit there and spout out a load of glorious BULLSHIT!. What did these women do to you? Did they put up with your bullshit for 5+ years? Did they listen to your boring drone like voice all those times? Maybe it’s all those times one of them sat with you when you got butt hurt over yet another issue with the opposite sex! I mean you must be a sad angry little cunt yourself if you can sit there being a tiny little keyboard warrior. And FYI life is amazing in the Ivory tower, it’s a shame you never really got invited in!
Feeling a bit triggered there are we?
Claims the OP’s views are false.
Goes on to make a bunch of lame mean comments hinting they know the OP.
Finishes with proof the OPs comments about the elitist nature of that whole group of people is spot on.
But its all bullshit right?
Queen Heavenly how many times under different emails are you going to repost this verbatim?
Or is one of your little bitch boys doing it for you?
There is no way this post was written by Queen herself. She can’t write proper English with punctuation and without spelling mistakes to save her life.
She has her peon’s do it for her lol. It came from Queen via proxy none of her minions or Layla’s are that smart to think for themselves.
#18 Where the hell did yomi go? Mfker vanished like a fart in the wind? i had a csr question for a while now that is not being answered. Should i ask Rosier instead? This is the only creator i have an issue with in all my years playing and honestly it makes me not want to buy her stuff. Other than that all other creators i dealt with are pretty cool.
Yomi stopped making new stuff awhile back, though they left the store up with previous creations. So there’s nothing new to buy from the store, anyway.
They were all gonna have this big sim with all their stores on it. Toxxic and all those with her and something happened in the discord chat. Everything was wiped from discord no one said anything and yomi left SL. shes selling her old stuff and moved the store to another location but isnt making anything new in sl any more.
I’m curious as to what could be so bad that you would just walk away from tons of hard work and a well known brand like that. I don’t think any sl drama is bad enough to nuke a brand over.
#18 Who cares about creators. Silvia owner of access is the devil. She is a money grubbing hoe that somehow convinces everyone to pay her so she can just promote trash stores.
i am a creator there as well bro! Just joining to be in the weekend sale tbh access sales are known to be crap.. most only join to be kept in the weekend sale.
Since virtual secrets ends soon I just want to ask something as a long time lurker
Where are all of these families people know so much about? How do people know about them? What have I sheltered myself from?
They are in kingdoms play alts steal people they love to live in drama land. They love what they vibrate.
It’s from people in those families/who have been in them. There’s always been “popular” families in that scene and they’re all pretty awful. One thing I learned early was it was best to avoid them. Endless drama, cheating, and sex in those circles, you made the right choice in not getting involved/knowing about it first hand.
Best family I had were just some normal people who hung out, did family stuff, and didn’t try to be in some community. Been years since they left SL, never tried to find a “replacement”.
The people who know so much about these families are literally the families themselves. Nobody outside of their own circles knows who they are or gives a shit. Someone will post a secret and then post comments agreeing with themselves.
The drama is coming from inside the house.
Virtual Secrets is ending?
it was announced on the week 795 postings that week 800 would be the last due to Kess (owner) getting a new bigger and better rl job.
You mean shes going to touch grass and shut down this Karen site? what ever will people do now?
Try a fresher insult than “touch grass.” We’re in a new decade now.
Wow… end of an era.
Happy for Kess though.
35… Wow your life must be filled with so much bitter and twisted shit to sit there and spout out a load of glorious BULLSHIT!. What did these women do to you? Did they put up with your bullshit for 5+ years? Did they listen to your boring drone like voice all those times? Maybe it’s all those times one of them sat with you when you got butt hurt over yet another issue with the opposite sex! I mean you must be a sad angry little cunt yourself if you can sit there being a tiny little keyboard warrior. And FYI life is amazing in the Ivory tower, it’s a shame you never really got invited in!
The ivory tower is full of nitwits and ass kissers. You have a clique group hell bent on achievements and taking money from those further down the ranks, in exchange for a temporary praise and inclusion in the crew. The truth is, behind closed doors when the money isn’t being transactional, they are backstabbing, sneaking, bitching, and in Euphorics case, hunting for several side chicks. There’s a rotation of newcomers and those who ‘seen the light’, but the top of the pyramid remains. Top clan by stats and alts, certainly not by nature or friendly presence. So no, it’s not glorious bullshit, the OP is truth…coz I was part of your fucking group one time. How many more people gonna fall for the falsities that Labyrinth provide? With the lies and detriment from it’s core heaving down. They literally bring the meaning of ‘bloodsuckers’ to the clan. And not in the sense of the game. Despite being a ‘vampire game’. Preference is given to child avis and those who part with their hard earned cash. Don’t ever believe otherwise.
Euphoric/Lusions/U4ic…. I rarely hate people, there’s like 3 people Ive ever hated in my life, and you are currently sitting in the number 1 spot. The sooner Queen realises your cheating nature, and sees how you are actively fucking her over…the better. You absolute pathetic excuse of a man. Your life is lies. You lie to Queen. You paint a picture of grandeur and that of some kind of a dom, but you are a pathetic little fat foetus, and have nothing better to do with your life than fuck people over. I maintain you are married irl.
Well you sound like Euphoric don’t you? Acting the little tough guy that you wish to be. I’m still in the clan and more of us are seeing how you and the ivory tower crew really are. Queen with her blinkers on while her man goes into girls boxes under the guise of being a role model, to just then start sending photos of his abs, car, house, asking to voice because he doesn’t want to type anymore. Saying I’m cute and he’d love to cuddle. Meanwhile, he has his girl complaining he’s not online, but he is talking to us at the exact same time invisible to her!
Then there’s Layla, everyone knows she propped up by her doped up guard dog Queen. Afk to all but her clique few! That clan is definitely not what it seems, and is corrupt as hell from the very top. The best bit is, people get suckered into it unknowingly. About time someone ruffled the feathers of those at the top. Especially that Euphoric, what an excuse of a man he is. Seriously. Like, use your hand for a change little man!
Wow… yup same story here. Tried to tell Queenie and she’s full of excuses for him. It’s gross!
Oh, the best part is when he tries to come onto us women and call us little one and crap, like he knows nothing about D/s lifestyle or etiquette at all. Hid EX Rhavyn still pines over him dropping her for Queen, it was a power move for him, cheating on her. She got dropped by some loser douche in Progeny named Night, I have not met him personally. Heard the name. Several men she pines over who dropped her. Rhavyn is a needy whore who sucks up in every game to save herself and people trust her. I would never trust any of them if I were you. Rhavyn will definitely stab you in the back and make you to look bad and cold shoulder you. Queen and AFK Layla. Queen talks mad crap about everyone.
Thanks for Replying Queen Heavenly, keep dishing out your bullshit. Rhavyn will be along to kiss your ass shortly and make it better.
Take a swig of Vodka and pop a Vicodin.
Oh, Queen Want to Be…. Kindly teach your submissive Euphoric. When he approaches women who he DOES NOT have collared some etiquette about the lifestyle, oh wait you don’t know any yourself.
However little man do not call me or any other woman you do NOT have collared little one again. You insult us all.
LMAO it must be nice to suck up and be a peon and Layla or Queen’s little bitch.
The OP was spot on. You must be a needy little fuck like Rhavyn. Do you copy and paste conversations to them and Snitch like she does? Or Hanna Lavielle?
If you don’t pay for achievements or kiss their asses you are SOL. and then some. Layla for sure is in her own little world, she is not miss little innocent she has her dark side one day it will come out. Queen Heavenly is too busy being on Vicodin and Vodka due to her RL conditions and a want to be Domme if she can’t control you, she burns you. I mean even Rhavyn Kitaj talks so much shit about Euphoric dropping her for Queen Heavenly and cheating on her without her knowing but still sucks up to her to be in her good graces.
How does it feel to suck up and be a brown noser to get places in life? Rhavyn Kitaj can tell you all about it. If your female, she will probably fuck your man soon or later like she tried to do mine and my sl sisters.
Blinders on you have.
Firstly, whoever you are that wrote this. You are spot on. That ivory tower you all sit in is as fake as the plastic in your asses! Queenie if you are reading this, know that she slags you off the most. She has done for so many years but your head is too far up her ass for you to see or hear the absolute dog shit she says about you. You are not her friend you poor deluded idiot! She has only ever been interested in you for what you can offer her! You deserve it though, thinking you can share chat logs, get everyone into shit because it makes you look better. “Have another drink poppet!”. <3
!00% true, the one’s who are on her list are the one’s who do her bidding. She can control. Like her little Dutch boys, and Aries. I am so glad I left when I did I saw it all and my man and I left. Rhavyn all up in his box offering her vag to him and trying to make me look bad to him.
I think I know who the OP is, it was someone who Aries cheated on with the girl he was with for a long time, I forget her name. He was an insecure little fuck, made her not speak to other men especially if he thought they were dominant. Not allowed to add them to friends list. Queen condoned it I overheard her a few times telling him it was ok to keep her in line.
Queen is a little twat herself she will discard you like shit, she did it with many. She will talk shit about her own behind her back. She even banned Aries Ex because she got with someone he hated, and Rhavyn even talks shit about and has passed around conversations of hers to others within Labyrinth and PV.
When Cig and Amforte left she badmouthed them, Aries got the heavenly’s to stop going to her sets at the behest of Queen because Amforte was unhappy with how Queen and Aries treated her and her husband along with Cig. Cig was also close to Aries ex.
So let me get this right…. the OP was about how the named ppl slag and bitch about others behind people’s back….
BUTTTTT you all have just named and brought other people info, and private business into it by talking about others…..
So who’s bitching?
I mean have the bulls to actually do it with out hiding behind Shit life secrets.
you call out Layla and Queen and Rhavyn……But you have just involved so many others…..By naming them.
So in my eyes the ones who have brought in Other to this and spoke about others are the BIGGEST Cunts EVERRRR, but are a bunch of pussy’s hiding behind Shit life secrets……
You’re the one hiding in the secrecy…muppet. Can’t even show yer name! Got any balls? Get in my IM’s 🙂
Ok so now we are naming and shaming….. ok let’s go…..
How’s about all you little keyboard worriers…get you big girl pants on and come face to face and tell Queenie, Layla anf who ever else you are so bitter towards….
NOOOOO you wouldn’t do that…. god it must kill you to see what loyalty looks like.
Cause you can’t even spell the word.
Again you need a life,…I thing you can get one from Argos or Walmart what ever takes you fancy….
Sound here… you deluded little man. Before I start, talking about learning to spell, it’s spelled ‘warriors’, but you carry on riding your high horse. You dragged me into this now so thought I’d say my bit. Queenie knows how I feel, I made it very clear by talking to her directly. Not my fault she doesn’t tell you everything you nonce. Besides, Queen just blabs her mouth to Lyla anyway, so I effectively did tell Layla. The fact remains, regardless of your ‘take’, you;re a womaniser, it’s become ever so apparent mr U4IC. I’ve read over these comments and the ones dotted about, and sounds like you hit on more girls than just Heidi, you dirty little man. As for Sweet chiming in, typical just bulldozing herself into something because she feels vindicated in someway standing up for backstabbers. Not once has Sweet spoke to me, or anyone for that matter about what happened and why things happened the way they did. So ‘numpties unite’ it seems. I was happy to sit back till the little man with the granny hat decided to drag me and the Mrs into it. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than watching Euphoric/u4ic/Lusions or whatever alt he’s chasing girls with, sink to the lows lower than a worms bollocks. Far too confident in the arms of Queenie you deluded midget. Karma is a bitch, and she will find you one day. Till then, I will be waiting for you to fall so I can kick you while you’re down. As for Heidi being a hoe, dude, she’s my hoe…isn’t it about time you got over that fact? You can’t have her. we ALL know you tried. God knows who else you tried with, am sure there’s many more…christ, even folks in the clan… Read more »
Oooooo!!!! Let’s do this then.
Sound here… you deluded little man. it’s spelled ‘warriors’, but you carry on riding your high horse. You dragged me into this now so thought I’d say my bit. Queenie knows how I feel, made it very clear, so shove that up your ass. As for Layla, she hears everything from Queen anyway, so I effectively did tell her too, not that I needed to anyway.The fact remains, regardless of your ‘take’, you’re a womaniser…it’s become ever so apparent mr u4ic. Ive read over these comments and sounds like you hit on more girls than just Heidi.
As for Sweet, sorry hun, but do know facts before jumping into something, it does help. This is why Ive sat back and enjoyed this till numpty face dragged me and the Mrs in. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than watching Euphoric and his wee granny hat sink, too confident in the arms of Queenie. Karma is a bitch, and she’s coming for you. As for Heidi being a hose, she’s my hoe, about time you got over that…’little man’ 🙂
Already told them exactly what we think of them. Layla of course didn’t even respond because she’s the biggest pussy on the planet and Queenie couldn’t handle being confronted by a bigger bitch then her so she blocked me LMFAO. Loyalty my ass. Sucking on someone’s dick for rank and title is not loyalty. And yes Euphoric sucks Queenie’s dick. WTF is a keyboard worrier? I assume you mean keyboard warrior but were too frazzled and shaky to get it right. Such a big man LOL. Calling women Hoes because you slide into their dm’s and they share screenshots with your gf before you can delete them is fucking hilarious dude. Go polish your jaguar with your tears little guy. I don’t need anonymity, not going to hide. I don’t run around treating people like dogshit and don’t have enemies like you little hiding bitches. Come at me bro, I have zero fucks to give.
Welcome to the party Euphoric.
Can’t stick to disappointing just one woman at a time huh?
I hope Queen rips you a new one when she finds out what you’ve been doing.
You know nothing about loyalty you two faced womanizer.
Wont be happy till you destroy her family and everyone she loves will you?
No one deserves to be treated this way. You are human refuse and I hope you get taken to the dump soon.
#35…. who ever took time out of there sad sad little life to sit down and actually write this really needs along hard look in the mirror, cause you are fucking sad. I mean this is SL so I shouldn’t be so shocked.
AS for the negative shit you said about Queenie it is totally untrue, and you need to get the facts right before you even start.
for those who have recently left Labyrinth well all I can say is thank good for you fake arse bitches to be gone.
You are so butt hurt you was all called out for you BS, slagging ppl off and then bing 2faced, and then bring you BS drama into all the family groups and to labyrinth groups, and because no1 has listened as we know what your all like, you bring it on to shift life secrets…… maybe you should focus on you and your fucked life and relationships and why so many ppl have cut you off before you come for someone else as they say people in glass house should never throw stones…..
Now stop you bitchin and get a fucking life.
What are you even talking about Sweet? You’re not at all included but thanks soo much for removing your head from Queen’s ass long enough to shove your nose in everyone’s business LOL.
A quote from Queen’s profile:
It’s pretty obvious which camp you’re in.
Sit down and gather facts before opening your gob woman!
Dare you to go tell all your secrets to Rhavyn and Queen, personal SL and RL, stop doing Achievements and giving money. See how long it lasts for you?
Not a Lavielle? See how much of Layla’s attention you receive?
Get involved in something they want info on, see if they don’t ask you for NC’s and copies of gyazos….
You think it’s made up lol
Your a tool.
As far as the other’s go, Rhavyn and the rest run their mouths and i don’t associate with the rest of them anymore they still talk way too much.
You all who love them and trust them are fools.
#4 shit like this makes me wish there was a database/website created to posts peoples ALTs in.
#38 /52 pretty disturbing, but not surprising. Looks like they are no longer friends on FB.
The irony of someone posting anonymously wishing for a catalouge of alts.
#39 and #42 – tifforelie
Do y’all remember when Buzzfeed did an article about her staged motorcycle accident on Instagram? Beautiful pics of a fake accident with dirt smudged on her shoulder(pretty sure there would be at least a scrape or a bit of blood??) and strategically tastelessly placed water for sponsorship. Here is the article, for the lazy ones that don’t want to google:
And on her instagram she just posted she’s quitting influencing because no money anymore. TIME FOR A RETURN TO SL TO TAKE OUR MONEY, SINCE FAKE ACCIDENTS(who does that??) AREN’T CUTTING IT. Anyone also notice that on her return note she put her Instagram handle? Still marketing herself! No one cares in SL that you were in influencer! It is truly a money grab.